Contents:List of Contributors
List of Abbreviations
IntroductionPART ONE: Background, Concepts, and Diagnostics1. Boundaries between Normal Aging and Dementia: Perspectives from Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Investigations
2. The Spectrum of Dementias: Construct and Nosologic Validity
3. Diagnostic Procedures for Dementia
PART TWO: Alzheimer Dementias4. The Neuropathology of Alzheimer Dementia
5. Neural Inflammatory Mechanisms in Alzheimer Syndrome
6. Clinical Subgroups of Alzheimer Disease
7. Progressive Aphasia, Frontotemporal Dementia and Other ""Focal Dementias""
8. ""Retrophylogenesis"" of Memory in Dementia of the Alzheimer Type: A New Evolutionary Memory FrameworkPART THREE: Vascular Dementias and Subcortical Dementias9. Cortical and Frontosubcortical Dementias: Differential Diagnosis
10. Noninfarct Vascular Dementia: The Spectrum of Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer Syndrome
11. The Relationship of Hypertension to Vascular Dementia
12. Vascular Dementias and Alzheimer Disease: Differential Diagnosis
13. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Dementia ComplexPART FOUR: Depressive Dementias14. Depressive Dementia: A ""Prepermanent Intermediate-stage Dementia"" in a Long-term Disease Course of Permanent Dementia?
15. Depressive Dementia: Cognitive and Biological Correlated and Course of Illness
16. The Nondepressive Pseudodementias
17. Neurobiology of Major Depression in Alzheimer Disease
18. Approaches to the Treatment of Dementing Illness
19. The Spectra of the Dementias