The complexities of health care finance, economics, and policy are today inextricably intertwined with traditional nursing practice. This undergraduate nursing text distills these challenging topics into an engaging, easy-to-read format that facilitates ready application into any practice setting. Written specifically for RN to BSN and second degree nursing programs, the book is the only such text grounded in nurses' understanding and experience. Concise and practical, it supports foundational concepts with real-life case studies and clinical applications and reinforces information with interactive quizzes and multimedia materials. The book's content fulfills one of the AACN's key Essentials of Baccalaureate Education. Written by a health economics and policy expert, former dean, and award-winning teacher, the text synthesizes the vast scope of health economics to create an easily understandable guide for nursing action from bedside to boardroom. The text describes the relationship between nursing and health care economics, and traces the history of our health care system from the early 1900s. It contrasts the economics of health care with that of classic free markets, and discusses the intersection of ethics and economics-providing nurses with the ethical tools to thoughtfully consider dilemmas wrought by today's focus on the bottom line. The book describes how to use economic principles to shape organizations and public policy, and includes a step-by-step, skill-building guide to enhancing professional influence through participation on governing boards. Complex ideas are synthesized to create easy understanding and relevance to nursing practice, especially challenging financial principles for nurses having no prior knowledge of this discipline. The book also includes relevant information on the Affordable Care Act and is compatible with online teaching and coursework. Faculty resources include PowerPoint slides, a test bank, comprehensive review questions, and sample syllabi. Key Features: Fulfills one of the key Essentials of Baccalaureate Education Addresses the specific needs of RN to BSN courses with a concise, easy-to-read format Illuminates complex principles with specific, engaging case examples relevant to nursing practice Authored by leading nurse expert, health policy leader, former dean, and award-winning teacher Guides readers in using economic principles to shape organizations and public policy