Preface Foreword Introduction Part I: Perinatal Bereavement: Concepts and Theories Chapter 1: Cultural Aspects of Pregnancy Loss Chapter 2: Professional Provider Grief and Perinatal Bereavement Chapter 3: Applying Theoretical Frameworks to Quantitative Research in Perinatal Bereavement Chapter 4: The Controversy of the Fetus Chapter 5: Caregiving as a Theoretical Framework in Perinatal Hospice Chapter 6: Rumination and Posttraumatic Growth After Pregnancy Loss Chapter 7: Pushing On: An Emergent Theory of Maternal Perinatal Bereavement Chapter 8: Complicated Grief Following Pregnancy Loss Chapter 9: Mindfulness and its Role in Perinatal Bereavement Chapter 10: Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Couples After Pregnancy Loss Chapter 11: The Effects of Pregnancy Bereavement on Women's Perceptions of Subsequent Pregnancies Chapter 12: The Effects of a Baby's Death on Siblings Later in Life Part II: Pediatric Bereavement: Concepts and Theories Chapter 13: When a Child Dies: The Influences of Culture on Grief and Bereavement Chapter 14: Theoretical Perspectives on Pediatric Palliative Care Chapter 15: Professional Provider Grief in Caring for Terminally Ill Children