Financial and Business Management for the Doctor of Nursing Practice 3/e


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By Dr. KT Waxman, Dr. Mary Lynne Knighten
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Part I: The Big Picture of Health Care Finance

Chapter 1: The Economic Context of Nursing Practice in the U.S.

Chapter 2: Health Insurance and Reimbursement

Chapter 3: Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Leader Strategies for Practice and Population Health Management: Financial Implications

Chapter 4: International Health Care Finance Trends

Part 2: Budgeting, Strategic Planning and Financial Statements

Chapter 5: Budgeting in Acute Care Settings

Chapter 6: Indicators for DNPs Managing Outpatient Microsystems

Chapter 7: Strategic Planning and Capital Budgeting

Chapter 8: Financial Analysis and the DNP: Understanding Business Performance in Health Care

Part 3: Quality, Data Analysis, Legal and Ethics

Chapter 9: Ensuring Quality Care While Controlling Costs

Chapter 10: Basic Data Analysis Techniques for Nurse Leaders

Chapter 11: Role of Technology, Informatics, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data in Healthcare Finance

Chapter 12: Legal, Ethical, and Policy Issues

Part 4: Pulling it all together

Chapter 13: Project Management for Nurse Leaders

Chapter 14: Health Care Grant Writing in Acute, Ambulatory, Academic, and Community Settings

Chapter 15: Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Nurse Leaders: Developing a Business Case

Chapter 16: CNO-CFO Dyad: An Essential Relationship

Chapter 17: Making the Financial Case for Academic-Practice Partnerships: The ROI for Specialty Education

Part 5: The Future of Health Care

Chapter 18: Financial Management in Times of Uncertainty, Shortages, and Change

Chapter 19: The Efficient Hospital of the Future: Improving Patient Access and Patient Flow

Case Studies



Dr. KT Waxman, DNP, MBA, RN, CNL, CENP, CHSE, FSSH, FAAN, FAONL, is a national nurse leader and executive with extensive experience in healthcare and corporate settings. She is Professor and Director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program at the University of California, San Francisco’s School of Nursing. She is also the Director of the California Simulation Alliance (CSA) at HealthImpact. In addition to her work at UCSF and the CSA, she is the Editor-in -Chief for Nursing Administration Quarterly (NAQ). An internationally known speaker and author, Waxman is also a past president of the Association of California Nurse Leaders (ACNL) and past board member, serving as Treasurer, for the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL). She is a Past President of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), a 5,000+ member international, inter-professional organization.

Dr. Mary Lynne Knighten, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, is a board certified nurse executive with more than 30 years of progressive management experience in leading patient care operations, developing staff, building clinical programs, improving patient satisfaction and quality outcomes, mitigating cost inefficiencies, controlling budgets, ensuring regulatory compliance, educating, conducting research, and negotiating contracts for major medical centers and teaching hospitals and has educated in RN-to-BSN and DNP programs at private faith-based universities.

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