Complexity of the Self

A Developmental Approach to Psychopathology and Therapy


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By Vittorio Guidano.
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PART I. THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES. 1. Introductory Notes on Self-Organized Complexity and a Systems Approach: Evolutionary Epistemology; Hierarchical Organization and Coalitional Control; Dynamic Equilibrium and Dialectical Growth; Temporal Becoming and the Historical Dimension. 2. A Motor-Evolutionary Perspective on Human Knowledge: Motor Theories of the Mind; Tacit and Explicit Levels of Knowing; Emotions and the Primacy of Personal Meaning; 3. On Selfhood Processes, Attachment, and Identity: Selfhood as a Dialectical, Interactive Process; Attachment Processes and Self-Identity. PART II. DEVELOPMENTAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL MODELS. 4. Development: Introductory Remarks; Infancy and Preschool Years; Self-Recognition; Parent-Child Relationship; The Emergence of Emotions and Consciousness; Selfhood Processes in Preschool Years; Childhood; Parent-Child Relations; The Emergence of Stable Boundaries of the Self; Selfhood Processes in Childhood; Adolescence and Youth; Parent-Child Relationship; The Reorganization of Self-Boundaries; Selfhood Processes in Adolescence and Youth. 5. Organization: A Two-Level Model of Knowledge Processes; The Tacit Organizing Level; The Explicit Structural Level; Attitudes Toward Oneself and Reality; The Notion of Personal Cognitive Organization; Organizational Closure and Structural Openness; Change and Systemic Coherence. PART III. TOWARD A SYSTEMS/PROCESS-ORIENTED PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 6. Patterns and Processes: The Influence of Parenting Behavior on Dysfunctional Patterns of Attachment; Adolescence Reorganization and the Integration Problem; Personal Cognitive Organizations and Clinical Patterns; The Dynamics of Cognitive Dysfunction. 7. The Depressive Cognitive Organization: Dysfunctional Patterns of Attachment; Identity Development; Organizational Aspects; Systemic Coherence; The Dynamics of Cognitive Dysfunction. 8. The Agoraphobic Cognitive Organization: Dysfunctional Patterns of Attachment; Identity Development; Organizational Aspects; Systemic Coherence; The Dynamics of Cognitive Dysfunction. 9. The Eating Disorders Cognitive Organization: Invariant Aspects of Dysfunctional Patterns of Attachment; Identity Development; Organizational Aspects; Systemic Coherence; The Dynamics of Cognitive Dysfunction. 10. The Obsessive Cognitive Organization: Invariant Aspects of Dysfunctional Patterns of Attachment; Identity Development; Organizational Aspects; Systemic Coherence; The Dynamics of Cognitive Dysfunction. 11. Principles of Lifespan Developmental Psychopathology: Development as a Lifelong, Directional Process; Bifurcation Points in Lifespan Dynamic Equilibrium; The Notion of Life Theme. 12. Concluding Remarks. Appendix: Some Strategic Principles for Cognitive Therapy. References.

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