Preface Chapter 1. Occupy Alzheimer's! Setting the Scene for Resistance Chapter 2. Alzheimer's and the Neoliberal Turn: "Politics of Anguish," Visions of a Cure Chapter 3. Alzheimer's Today: Inconvenient Truths in the Marketplace of Memory Chapter 4. Treating Populations: Collectively Strengthening the Brain Health of the Many, Not the Few Chapter 5. Flint Still Doesn't Have Clean Water: What the Lead-Poisoning Tragedy in Michigan Means for Alzheimer's Chapter 6. #PoorLivesMatter: Fighting Poverty to Resist Alzheimer's Chapter 7. Turning Up the Heat on Global Warming: The Neurologic Costs of Climate Change Chapter 8. Occupy the Nursing Home! Breaking Down Walls and Breaking Out "Socialceuticals" Chapter 9. A Bridge beyond Loneliness: The Gathering Momentum of Age- and Dementia-Friendly Communities Chapter 10. The Intergenerational Schools: Desegregating and Revaluing the Cognitively Frail Acknowledgments Appendix: An Intergenerational Interview with the Authors Notes Index
Daniel R. George, PhD, MSc (HERSHEY, PA), is an associate professor in the Department of Humanities and the Department of Public Health Sciences at Penn State College of Medicine. Peter J. Whitehouse, MD, PhD (CLEVELAND, OH) is a professor of neurology at Case Western Reserve University and the cofounder of the Intergenerational Schools. Together, they are the coauthors of The Myth of Alzheimer's: What You Aren't Being Told about Today's Most Dreaded Diagnosis.