Play-Based Interventions for Childhood Anxieties, Fears, and Phobias


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Edited by Athena A. Drewes, Charles E. Schaefer
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Introduction 1. Play-Based Approaches for Treating Childhood Anxieties: Basic Concepts and Practices, Charles E. Schaefer & Athena A. Drewes I. Common Childhood Fears and Anxieties 2. Anxiety and the Hospitalized Child: Best Practices for Guiding Therapeutic Play, Donna Koller 3. Play Interventions for Children's Nighttime Fears, Julie Blundon Nash 4. Play Therapy Practices with Children Experiencing Nightmares, Deborah Armstrong 5. Play-Based Treatment for School-Related Fears and Phobias of Children, Clair Mellenthin 6. Release Play Interventions for Children Who Experienced Stressful Life Events, Heidi Gerard Kaduson II. Specific Anxiety Disorders 7. Integrating Play and Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions to Treat Childhood Worries and Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Taming Worry Dragons, Sandra L. Clark & E. Jane Garland 8. Theraplay as a Treatment for Children with Selective Mutism: Integrating the Polyvagal Theory, Attachment Theory and Social Communication, Lydia C. Glibota, Sandra Lindaman, & A. Rand Coleman 9. Integrating Play Therapy into Treatment of Children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Eric Green & Amie C. Myrick 10. Play Therapy for Separation Anxiety in Children, Paris Goodyear-Brown & Elizabeth Andersen 11. Effective Play-Based Interventions for Social Anxiety Disorder, Vicente E. Caballo, Isabel C. Salazar, & Thomas H. Ollendick 12. Integrating Play Therapy into Single-Session Behavioral Treatment for Preschool Children with Specific Phobias, Erinn N. Munro Lee, Helen Kershaw, & Lara J. Farrell III. Posttraumatic Anxieties 13. Play-Based Interventions for Children Traumatized by Natural and Human-Made Disasters, Akiko J. Ohnogi 14. Helping Sexually Abused Children Overcome Anxiety: A Play-Based Integrative Approach, Andrea Driggs McLeod Appendix: Helpful Bibliotherapy Books Index

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