Introduction 1. Good Beginnings--Abby 2. Complaint Department--Brad 3. Past Is Prologue--Candice 4. Decision Tree--Douglas 5. Transitions--Elinor 6. Safety First--Fritz 7. Central Casting--Gloria 8. Self-Defense--Hank 9. A Mystery and an Enigma--Inez 10. Now and Then--Julio 11. Small Bites--Kylie 12. Swan Song--Liam 13. Age-Old Questions--Melissa 14. Family Secrets--Norman 15. Rejections--Olivia 16. To Tell the Truth--Pierce 17. Encore--Quinn 18. Nil by Mouth--Randolph 19. Ghost in the Machine--Siobhan 20. Compelling Evidence--Tyler 21. Character Reference--Uma 22. Motion Sickness--Vincent 23. Role of the Dice--Whitney 24. Fill in the Blanks--X 25. In Other Words--Yasmin 26. Goodbye and Good Luck--Zander Appendix. Tables References and Suggested Reading