S.M. Sheridan, Foreword. Preface. Introduction to Homework Success. Background and Justification. Recruiting and Screening Participants. Assessing Intervention Integrity and Evaluating Outcomes, with Sheeba Daniel. Setting Up the Program: Practical Consideration. Initiating the Program. Group Session 1: Introducing Homework Success. Group Session 2: Establishing Homework Ritual and Giving Instructions. Group Session 3: Providing Positive Reinforcement. Group Session 4: Managing Time and Setting Goals. Group Session 5: Using Punishment Successfully. Group Session 6: Integrating Skills and Anticipating Future Problems. Group Session 7: Providing Follow-Up Support. Including Children in Homework Success, with Stephen S. Leff, Tracy E. Costigan, Suzanne G. Goldstein, and Sheeba Daniel. Assesing Outcomes: Case Illustrations, with Sheeba Daniel. Conclusions. Appendices: A. Recruiting Handout and Letters. B. Recruiting Instruments and Outcome Measures. C. Integrity Checklists for Parent Group. D. Parent Handouts. E. Materials for Child Group.