ContributorsDisclosure of InterestsForewordPrefaceCautionary StatementAcknowledgmentsPART I: Basic Principles of Evidence-Based PsychiatryChapter 1. What Is Evidence-Based Psychiatric Practice?Chapter 2. The 5-Step Evidence-Based Medicine ModelChapter 3. Asking Answerable QuestionsChapter 4. Searching for AnswersChapter 5. Clinical TrialsChapter 6. Systematic Reviews and Meta-AnalysesChapter 7. Clinical Practice GuidelinesChapter 8. MeasurementChapter 9. Diagnostic TestsChapter 10. Surveys of Disease FrequencyChapter 11. Studies of Risk or HarmChapter 12. Studies of PrognosisChapter 13. Evaluating Your Performance of Evidence-Based MedicineChapter 14. Evidence-Based Psychiatric PracticeChapter 15. Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine and Evidence-Based Psychiatric Practice to Psychiatry ResidentsPART II: Case Studies: Evidence-Based Medicine Applied to Major DSM-IV DisordersChapter 16. Introduction to the CasesChapter 17. Panic DisorderChapter 18. Major Depressive Disorder and Bulimia NervosaChapter 19. Depression, Refusal to Eat, and Nasopharyngeal CarcinomaChapter 20. Anorexia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and DepressionChapter 21. Major Depressive Disorder: A MEASUREMENT-BASED CARE APPROACHChapter 22. Major Depressive Disorder, Severe With Psychotic FeaturesChapter 23. Acute Bipolar DepressionChapter 24. Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderChapter 25. Schizophrenia: A FAMILY PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL APPROACHChapter 26. Substance Use Disorder Presenting as a Mood DisorderChapter 27. A Complex Personality Disorder CaseChapter 28. Bulimia NervosaPART III: Case Studies: Evidence-Based Psychiatric Practice in Different SettingsChapter 29. Dual Diagnosis (PTSD/SUD) Treated in a Veterans Affairs Health Care FacilityChapter 30. Severe, Recurrent Depression Managed in a Remote Setting Via the Internet: AN EXAMPLE OF REMOTE CARE USING THE HEALTHSTEPS SYSTEMChapter 31. Postpartum Depression Treated in Private PracticeChapter 32. Bipolar Disorder Treated in the Kaiser Permanente Health Care SystemChapter 33. Consultation-Liaison PsychiatryChapter 34. Alcohol Dependence Treated by a Psychiatry ResidentAppendicesA: GlossaryB: Statistical Formulas and TablesIndex