PrefacePART I: General ConsiderationsChapter 1. Effective Psychiatric ConsultationChapter 2. Medicolegal IssuesChapter 3. Mental Status and Cognitive ExaminationChapter 4. Personality and Response to IllnessChapter 5. SuicidalityPART II: SyndromesChapter 6. AnxietyChapter 7. DeliriumChapter 8. DementiaChapter 9. Eating DisordersChapter 10. Mood DisordersChapter 11. Sleep DisordersChapter 12. Somatoform and Related DisordersChapter 13. Substance-Related DisordersPART III: TreatmentsChapter 14. Biological TreatmentsChapter 15. Psychosocial ManagementPART IV: Unique Issues in Psychosomatic Medicine SettingsChapter 16. Bariatric SurgeryChapter 17. CardiologyChapter 18. DermatologyChapter 19. Disaster and Terrorism CasualtiesChapter 20. EndocrinologyChapter 21. Fatigue and FibromyalgiaChapter 22. GastroenterologyChapter 23. HIV and AIDSChapter 24. ObstetricsChapter 25. OncologyChapter 26. Pulmonary DiseaseChapter 27. Rehabilitation MedicineChapter 28. TransplantationIndex