Interpersonal Cognition 2/e


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Edited by Mark W. Baldwin
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1. The Relational Self and Transference: Evoking Motives, Self-Regulation, and Emotions through Activation of Mental Representations of Significant Others, Susan Andersen and S. Adil Saribay 2. Understanding and Modifying the Relational Schemas Underlying Insecurity, Mark W. Baldwin and Stephane D. Dandeneau 3. Rejection Sensitivity as an Interpersonal Vulnerability, Janina Pietrzak, Geraldine Downey, and Ozlem Ayduk 4. Interpersonal Cognition and the Quest for Social Acceptance: Inside the Sociometer, Mark R. Leary 5. Goals and Labors, Friends and Neighbors: Self-Regulation and Interpersonal Relationships, Grainne M. Fitzsimons, James Shah, Tanya L. Chartrand, and John A. Bargh 6. Commitment Calibration with the Relationship Cognition Toolbox, John E. Lydon, Kimberly Burton, and Danielle Menzies-Toman 7. A Relationship-Specific Sense of Felt Security: How Perceived Regard Regulates Relationship-Enhancement Processes, Sandra L. Murray and Jaye Derrick 8. The Role of Prototypes in Interpersonal Cognition, Beverley Fehr 9. Including Close Others in the Cognitive Structure of the Self, Arthur Aron, Debra Mashek, Tracy McLaughlin-Volpe, Stephen Wright, Gary Lewandowski, and Elaine N. Aron 10. Mental Representations of Attachment Security: Theoretical Foundation for a Positive Social Psychology, Mario Mikulincer and Phillip R. Shaver 11. The Four Basic Social Bonds: Structures for Coordinating Interaction, Alan Page Fiske and Nick Haslam 12. Social Mentalities: A Biopsychosocial and Evolutionary Approach to Social Relationships, Paul Gilbert 13. Role-Relationship Models: Addressing Maladaptive Interpersonal Patterns and Emotional Distress, Jodene R. Baccus and Mardi J. Horowitz 14. Interpersonal Schemas: Clinical Theory, Research, and Implications, Polly Scarvalone, Melanie Fox, and Jeremy D. Safran 15. Self as a Society: The Dynamics of Interchange and Power, Hubert J. M. Hermans 16. An Integrative Review of Theories of Interpersonal Cognition: An Interdependence Theory Perspective, John G. Holmes and Jessica Cameron

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