Introduction 1. Psychosocial Impairment: Definition and Assessment 2. Development of the BFIS: History, Survey Methods, and Normative Sample 3. Factor Analysis, Score Construction, and Item Frequencies 4. Relationship of the BFIS Scores to Demographic Factors in the Normative Sample 5. Reliability 6. Validity 7. Scoring and Interpretation of the BFIS Forms Appendix: BFIS Forms and Score Sheets * BFIS-LF: Self-Report * BFIS Quick Screen: Self-Report * BFIS-LF: Other-Report * BFIS Quick Screen: Other-Report * BFIS Impairment Interview * BFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 18-39) * BFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 40-59) * BFIS-LF: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (Ages 60-89) * BFIS Quick Screen: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores (All Ages)