Mindfulness and Acceptance 2/e

Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition


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Edited by Steven C. Hayes, Victoria M. Follette, Marsha M. Linehan
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1. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and the New Behavior Therapies: Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Relationship, Steven C. Hayes2. Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Synthesizing Radical Acceptance with Skillful Means, Clive J. Robins, Henry Schmidt III, and Marsha M. Linehan3. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: Theoretical Rationale and Empirical Status, Zindel V. Segal, John D. Teasdale, and J. Mark G. Williams4. Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Comparisons, Contrasts, and Application to Anxiety, Susan M. Orsillo, Lizabeth Roemer, Jennifer Block Lerner, and Matthew T. Tull5. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, Cognitive Therapy, and Acceptance, Robert J. Kohlenberg, Jonathan W. Kanter, Madelon Bolling, Reo Wexner, Chauncey Parker, and Mavis Tsai6. Values Work in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Setting a Course for Behavioral Treatment, Kelly G. Wilson and Amy R. Murrell7. Finding the Action in Behavioral Activation: The Search for Empirically Supported Interventions and Mechanisms of Change, Christopher Martell, Michael Addis, and Sona Dimidjian8. Mindfulness, Acceptance, Validation, and "Individual" Psychopathology in Couples, Alan E. Fruzzetti and Kate M. Iverson9. Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Trauma, Victoria M. Follette, Kathleen M. Palm, and Mandra L. Rasmussen Hall10. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Bringing Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy into the Valued Present, T. D. Borkovec and Brian Sharpless11. Acceptance and Change in the Treatment of Eating Disorders: The Evolution of Manual-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, G. Terence Wilson12. Vipassana Meditation as a Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders, G. Alan Marlatt, Katie Witkiewitz, Tiara M. Dillworth, Sarah W. Bowen, George A. Parks, Laura Marie Macpherson, Heather S. Lonczak, Mary E. Larimer, Tracy Simpson, Arthur W. Blume, and Rick Crutcher13. Acceptance, Mindfulness, and Change in Couple Therapy, Andrew Christensen, Mia Sevier, Lorelei E. Simpson, and Krista S. Gattis

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