Part I Well-Being and Wellness: An Emerging Imperative for the Health ProfessionsChapter 1. Healthy Clinicians, Healthy Patients Chapter 2. Professional and Personal Developmental MilestonesChapter 3. Burnout and Clinician Mental HealthChapter 4. Approaches to Mental Health Care for Fellow CliniciansChapter 5. Special Challenges for Clinicians-in-TrainingChapter 6. Systems and Supports for Clinician WellnessChapter 7. Legal and Ethical Issues in the Context of Impairment and RecoveryPart II Well-Being and Positive Self-Care: Practical Approaches for Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals Chapter 8. Preventive Health Care Strategies: Fostering Positive Self-Care and ResilienceChapter 9. Mindfulness and Spiritual Well-BeingChapter 10. Nutrition and Physical ActivityChapter 11. SleepChapter 12. Relationships and Social ConnectionChapter 13. Psychiatric Care and PsychotherapyChapter 14. Meaningful Professional Index