Chapter 1. Introduction: Sleep Disorders and Mental HealthChapter 2. Clinical History and Physical Examination in Sleep MedicineChapter 3. Diagnosis of InsomniaChapter 4. Pharmacological Treatment of InsomniaChapter 5. Behavioral Treatment of InsomniaChapter 6. NarcolepsyChapter 7. Idiopathic HypersomniaChapter 8. Adult Obstructive Sleep ApneaChapter 9. Pediatric Obstructive Sleep ApneaChapter 10. Sleep-related Hypoventilation SyndromesChapter 11. Central Sleep ApneasChapter 12. Delayed and Advanced Sleep PhaseChapter 13. Irregular Sleep-Wake, Non-24h Sleep-Wake, Jet Lag and Shift Work DisordersChapter 14. Non-Rapid-Eye-Movement ParasomniasChapter 15. Rapid-Eye-Movement Sleep Behavior DisorderChapter 16. Nightmare disorder, Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralyses, Sleep-related Hallucinations, Exploding Head Syndrome and Sleep EnuresisChapter 17. Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Limb MovementsChapter 18. Other Sleep-related Movement Disorders