Acknowledgement. Disclaimers. Foreword. Preface. Part 1. Arming Yourself with Knowledge. 1. Understanding anorexia. Part 2. Preparing to Beat Anorexia. 2. Why Beat Anorexia?. 3. Reaching Out. 4. Seeking Professional Support. 5. Beating Anorexia from all Angles. Part 3. Beating Anorexia by Taking Control. 6. Taking Control of Your Behaviour. 7. Taking Control of Your Physical Well-Being. 8. Taking Control of Your Psychological Well-Being. 9. Taking Control of Your Social Well-Being. Part 4. Beyond Anorexia. 10. Accepting Yourself. 11. Your Future is in Your Hands. Part 5. Advice for Family and Friends. 12. Helping a Loved One Recover - Effective Communication. 13. Breaking Free from Family Roles. 14. Be a Dolphin for Your Loved One. Appendix. Resources for Eating Disorder Support and Recovery.