Introduction. 1. Singing, Listening and Responding (Harriet Powell). 2. ""Musical Lives"" (Harriet Powell). 3. ""Let's Liven it Up a Bit"" (Catherine Richards). 4. Bringing Couples Together (Maggie Grady and Ruth Melhuish). 5. No Time like the Present (Harriet Powell). 6. The Use of Music to Inspire Dance and Movement (Nicola Jacobson-Wright). 7. What's in a Word? The Creature Use of Music and Poetry (Alison Acton). 8. Every Picture Tells a Story (Alison Acton). 9. ""A Song a Day Keeps the Doctor Away"" (Catherine Richards talking to Stuart Brown). 10. Becoming a Music Detective (Sarah Metcalfe). 11. It's Easy When You Know How! (Alison Acton). 12. A Harmony of Simple Beauties (Tobias Kaye). 13. The Use of Music in Institutional Environments (Melanie Burton). 14. Evaluating, Recording and Passing on Information on the Musical Responses and Needs of People Living with Dementia (Melissa Elliott and Catherine Richards). 15. The Use of Music in End of Life Care (Arash Bazrafshan). Appendix.