Acknowledgements; About the author; Adapting this program for other disabilities; Autism and Dogs by Jim Taylor; Postscript by Lorna Wing; Introduction. (Benefits of a dog for a child or adult with a disability or condition.); Dog checklist, is a dog the right intervention for your child and family?; Why this program?; Overview of Program; New stories of success. (Andy and Bailie; McKenzie and Heather.); Points to remember! Autism and learning difficulty child; Points to remember the ASD adult. 1. The Red Stage - What age, breed of dog is right for the child's disability?; 2. The Yellow Stage! (Where and how to source the dog.); 3.The Green Stage! Settling in of your dog and being a responsible owner; 4. The Blue Stage - Care of the senior dog; 5. Letting go! Afterword; Useful Resources; References