Foreword by Dr. Anita Cignolini. Preface: Welcome! Introduction: Making the Most of This Book. 1. An Eastern Explanation and Treatment for Autism. 2. Is the QST Home Program Right for You and Your Child? 3. Getting Ready to Give the Home Program. 4. The Massage. 5. The 12 Movements and Your Child's Body Language. 6. Troubleshooting. 7. Extra Techniques to Help Your Child Get Through the Day. 8. The Healing Process: What to Expect. 9. Understanding Toxicity in Children with Autism: - Prevention. 10. A Diet for Children with Autism. 11. Your Child's Program After the First Five Months. Appendix A: Movement Troubleshooting Checklist. Appendix B: Sensory and Self-Regulation Checklist. Appendix C: My Child's Developmental Milestones. Appendix D: Parent Stress Index. About the Author. Additional Resources. Online Video/Movement Chart. Important Changes to Look For. Index.