1. Introduction. 2. A Brief History of Drug Use and a Snapshot of the Current Drugs Situation in Britain. 3. Cannabis Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol. 4. Stimulants. 5. Hallucinogens. 6. Opiates. 7. Volatile Substance Abuse: ''Sniffing''. 8. Tranquillisers and Sleeping Pills: Anxyiolytics and Hypnotics. 9. Anabolic Steroids. 10. Over the Counter Medicines. 11. 'Date Rape Drugs': Rohypnol, GHB and Ketamine. 12. The Signs and Symptoms of Substance Misuse: Things You Will Need to Look Out For. 13. Physical Evidence of Possible Drug or Substance Use. 14. Managing Drug Related Incidents. 15. Common Reasons for Drug and Substance Misuse and Details of Available Treatment. 16. The Language of Drug and Substance Abuse. 17. The Legislation Debate. Appendix 1: National Agencies and Help Lines Concerned with Substance Misuse. Appendix 2: Formulation of a Substance Misuse Policy. Index.