Foreword. Introduction. 1. Spiritual Healing. 2. Curative Education. 3. Camphill Schools. 4. Healing Sessions I - Steven, diagnosed with Sturge Weber Syndrome and epilepsy - Jane, diagnosed with Dystrophic Syndrome with coronal synostasis and epilepsy - Lucy, diagnosed with Velo-Cardio-Facial or Shprintzen Syndrome and epilepsy - John, diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome and within the autistic spectrum - Tracey, diagnosed with epilepsy and autistic behaviours - Sandra, diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. 5. Healing Sessions II - Simon, diagnosed with autistic features and emotional and behavioural difficulties - Larry, diagnosed with Lowe's Syndrome and Asperger's type of autism - Susan, diagnosed with meningo encephalitis brain damage and also within the autistic spectrum - Harry, diagnosed with hypoxic brain damage and epilepsy - Ben, diagnosed with a complex chromosome abnormality and global developmental delay - Brenda, diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder 6. Healing Sessions III - Peter, diagnosed with global developmental delay in language, with fine and gross motor problems and hypotonia - Dora, diagnosed with complex difficulties; reportedly Williams Syndrome and autistic features - Alan, diagnosed with autism - Trevor, diagnosed with autism, mild cerebral palsy and aphasia - Mark, diagnosed with autism - Wendy, diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. 7. Reviewing Healing Practice. Conclusion. Bibliography. About the Author.