1. Introduction. I Starting out. 2. Believe You Can. 3. Medical factors. 4. Identify/Create your support network. 5. Overview. II Understand your child's developmental levels. 6. Developmental levels. III Target and define behaviour. 7. Go through a typical day. 8. Define the behavior. 9. Agree on a prioritized list of troubling behaviors. IV Functions of behaviour. 10. Identify the function of the behavior. V Create a behaviour plan. 11. Antecedents and consequences. 12. Look for patterns. 13. Identify the function of the behavior. 14. Use rewards! 15. Create a behavior plan (1): reducing setting events, communication, structure, and choice. 16. Create a behavior plan (2): rewarding desirable behaviors. 17. Create a behavior plan (3): contingencies for negative behaviors. 18. Summarize your behavior plan. 19. Conclusion. VI Strategies for common challenges. Appendices. Index.