Preface. Disclaimer. 1. Introduction. 2. What Choices do Women Really Have? 3. Birth from the Baby's Perspective. 4. Attitudes towards Babies. 5. Awareness and Consciousness during Pregnancy. 6. Nutritional Influences on the Growing Fetus. 7. Managing Sleep in Pregnancy. 8. Environmental Impacts on Pregnancy. 9. Medication during Pregnancy. 10. Pregnancy Tests - the pros and cons. 11. Psychological Health during Pregnancy. 12. Strategies to Help Mood and Awareness. 13. Hypnobirthing. 14. Helping Achieve Optimal Fetal Positioning. 15. The Secret Life of the Sphincter - Undisturbed Birth and the Pelvic Floor. 16. The Spiritual Aspects of Childbirth. 17. Physical Imprinting at Birth - the ramifications of how we are born and the implications for adult health and posture. 18. The Psychological Ramifications of a Difficult Birth. 19. Home Birth versus Hospital Birth. 20. Waterbirths. 21. The Downsides of Induction. 22. Pain Relief during Labour. 23. Caesarians and the Microbiome. 24. Surgical Interventions - how to minimize their impact. 25. Babies after Birth. 26. Primitive Reflexes. 27. The Role of Midwives and Doulas. 28. Treatments for Mothers and Babies after Birth. 29. The Crying Baby. 30. Barriers to Change. 31. Conclusions. Resources and Contact Details.