Note to the reader.
Stage 1. 1.1. Introduction to medical sciences.
1.2. Conventional clinical practice.
1.3. Comparisons with alternative medical viewpoints.
Stage 2. 2.1. Barriers to disease and susceptibility.
2.2. Processes of disease.
2.3. Cancer.
2.4. Infectious disease.
Stage 3. 3.1. Gastrointestinal disease.
3.2. The Cardiovascular system.
3.3. The Respiratory system.
3.4. The blood. Stage
4. 4.1. Diseases of the nervous system.
4.2. The musculoskeletal system.
4.3. The urinary system.
Stage 5. Diseases of the endocrine system.
5.2. Diseases of the reproductive system.
5.3. Pregnancy and childbirth.
5.4. Children's health.
Stage 6. 6.1. Diseases of the skin, the eye and the ear.
6.2. Mental health disorders.
6.3. Conclusions.
Appendix I. The functions of the organs: correspondence tables.
Appendix II. Worked examples of the six-step method for interpreting the energetic action of drugs.
Appendix III. Red flags: a guide for acupuncturists.
Appendix IV. Tables showing categories of drugs for withdrawal from medication.