Spirituality and Personhood in Dementia


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Paul Green,Padmaprabha Dalby,Harriet Mowat,Gaynor Hammond,Wendy Shiels,Margaret Goodall,Murray Lloyd,Brian Allen,Malcolm Goldsmith,John Swinton
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Paul Green,Padmaprabha Dalby,Harriet Mowat,Gaynor Hammond,Wendy Shiels,Margaret Goodall,Murray Lloyd,Brian Allen,Malcolm Goldsmith,John Swinton
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Preface. 1. Introduction, Albert Jewell, retired Methodist Minister, former Pastoral Director, MHA Care Group, Derby, UK. 2. Maintaining a Sense of Personhood in Dementia: A Personal View, Daphne Wallace, retired Consultant Old Age Psychiatrist. 3. A Carer's Perspective, Marianne Talbot, Director of Studies in Philosophy, Oxford University, UK. 4. Walking With a Person into Dementia: Creating Care Together, Elizabeth MacKinlay, Anglican Priest and Director of the Centre for Ageing and Pastoral Studies, St Mark's National Theological Centre, Canberra, and Professor in the School of Theology, Charles Sturt University, Australia. 5. Becoming a Friend of Time: A Consideration of How we May Approach Persons with Dementia through Spiritual Sharing in the Moment, John Killick, Poet and Chair in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care, University of Aberdeen, UK. 6. To Live and Do and Help: A Life That's Worthwhile - Reflections on the Spiritual Meaning of Generosity for People Living with Dementia, Padmaprabha Dalby, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, UK. 7. Voicing the Spiritual: Working with People with Dementia, Harriet Mowat, Managing Director, Mowat Research Ltd, Aberdeen, Scotland. 8. New Directions in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Older People with Dementia and Depression, Paul Green, Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Yorkshire, UK. 9. Gathering and Growing Gifts through Creative Expression and Playfulness, Susan McFadden, Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, USA. 10. The Holistic Care of Older People in Care Homes, Gaynor Hammond, Baptist Minister and Dementia Project Worker, Leeds, UK. 11. Making the Journey Together: Palliative Care of Persons with Dementia, Wendy Shiels, Dementia and Palliative Care Coordinator, Melbourne, Australia. 12. Loving Attitude: Chaplaincy as a Model of Spiritual Care for those with Dementia, Margaret Goodall, Methodist Minister and Chaplaincy Advisor for Methodist Homes, The Aged Care Group, UK. 13. Resilience Promotion and its Relevance to the Personhood Needs of People with Dementia and Other Brain Damage, Murray Lloyd, retired geriatrician. 14. Sounding the Depths: A Reflection on the Challenge to Religious Belief and Practice, Brian Allen, Chaplaincy Team Leader, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust. 15. 'They Maintained the Fabric of this World': Spirituality and the Non-religious, Malcolm Goldsmith, retired Church of England Minister. 16. Being in the Moment: Developing a Contemplative Approach to Spiritual Care with People who have Dementia, John Swinton, Church of Scotland Minister and Professor in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care, School of Divinity, History and Philosophy, King's College, University of Aberdeen, UK. 17. Personhood, Personalism and Dementia: A Journey of Becoming, Clive Baldwin, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Bradford, UK. 18. A Situated Embodied View of the Person with Dementia: Where does the Spiritual Come in?, Julian C. Hughes, Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry, North Tyneside General Hospital, UK. References. Index.

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