About the Author. Explanatory Note. Introduction. Required Accessories for all Activities. Target Groups.; Part I. Developing Listening Skills.; 1. The Paper Bag.; 2. The Little Dog Lost its Collar.; 3. You're Burning.; 4. Human Obstacle.; 5. The Magic Wand.; 6. Loud and Soft.; 7. Short and Long.; 8. The King and the Thief.; 9. Cat and Mouse.; 10. Musical Rings.; 11. How Many Sounds Do you Hear?; 12. Do you Recognize me?; 13. What Time Is It?; 14. It's my Move.; 15. What is that Strange Sound?; 16. The Right Sequence.; 17. The Sound Circle.; 18. The Key Sound.; 19. Confusing the Singer.; 20. I Am Going to Catch you.; 21. The Musical Dance.; 22. Follow the Beat.; Part II. Self and Environmental Awareness.; 23. I Know my Body.; 24. Shadow Dancing.; 25. Know your Instruments.; 26. Know your Musical World.; 27. Will you Be my Guide?; 28. My Body the Sound Machine.; 29. How Many People Behind Me?; 30. What Has Been Changed?; 31. It Sounds Like This.; 32. I Move Like a ______(animal).; 33. A Walk in the Jungle.; Part III. Sound/Tone Discrimination.; 34. I Know Where it Comes From.; 35. Which Instrument is Missing?; 36. Listen to the Clues.; 37. Musical Tic-Tac-Toe.; 38. The Sound Chart.; 39. The Secret.; 40. High and Low.; 41. The Giant and the Dwarf.; 42. Dances of all Colors.; 43. Hide and Listen.; 44. I'm a Conductor.; 45. Who Said that?; 46. Listening to the School.; 47. Battle of Musical Instruments.; 48. To whom Belongs this Item?; 49. I Can Hear You.; 50. Follow the Wanderer.; 51. What Is that Sound?; 52. You Did Not See me Move.; 53. The Telephone.; 54. My Name.; 55. Playing on ''my'' Beat.; 56. Relaying the Beat.; Part IV. Body Movement Control.; 57. You Are my String Puppet.; 58. Playing a Role.; 59. Different Ways.; 60. Which One is Shorter?; 61. Reflex Ball.; 62. Follow Hands and Feet.; 63. The Tightrope Walker.; 64. Mirror Dancing.; 65. Slow Motion Movies.; 66. Silent Dancing.; 67. Accentuation.; 68. The Rhythmic Ball.; 69. Catch it Before it Falls.; Part V. Controlling Breathing.; 70. Feather Racing.; 71. The Vacuum Race.; 72. Rolling Away. 73. The Paper Ball Race.; 74. The Space Rocket.; Part VI. Creative Thinking.; 75. Follow the Instructions.; 76. I Remember the Singer.; 77. Make your Own Musical Instrument.; 78. Story with Sounds/Story of Sounds.; 79. Birth of a Butterfly.; 80. Contemporary Music or Drawing Music.; 81. Drawing a Dance.; 82. Dramatic Expression.; 83. What is the Music Saying?; 84. Hold your Rhythm.; 85. Show me your Mood.; 86. I Won't Laugh.; 87. Creatures from another Planet.; 88. I am a Sculptor.; 89. The Alphabet.; 90. Set-up a Music Video.; Part VII. Relaxation.; 91. Tin Soldier/Rag Doll.; 92. Kaboom.; 93. Ghosts.; 94. Cooking Spaghetti.; 95. Cooking Bacon.; 96. The Gingerbread Cookies.; 97. The Bomb.; 98. The Flying Handkerchief.; 99. The Very Little Engine.; 100. Dances of Scarves.