Music in Music Therapy: Psychodynamic Music Therapy in Europe

Clinical, Theoretical and Research Approaches


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Dorothee Storz,Rita Maes,Jan Van Van Camp,Karin Schumacher,Elvira Martin Martin Martin,Jenny Wigram,Paul Williams,Jos De De Backer,Patxi Del Campo San Del Campo San Vicente,Janet Corry
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Dorothee Storz,Rita Maes,Jan Van Van Camp,Karin Schumacher,Elvira Martin Martin Martin,Jenny Wigram,Paul Williams,Jos De De Backer,Patxi Del Campo San Del Campo San Vicente,Janet Corry
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Foreword by Paul Williams, Training and Supervising Analyst, The British Psychoanalytical Society. 1. Introduction. The Music in Music Therapy: Writing without a pen. Jos De Backer, Professor, Leuven University College of Arts (LUCA), Belgium. Julie Sutton, Centre for Psychotherapy, Belfast Health & Social Services Trust. 2. Music Therapy in Europe: The identity and professionalization of European music therapy. Jos De Backer. Monika Nöcker Ribaupierre, Vice-President, International Society of Music in Medicine (ISMM), Germany. Julie Sutton. 3. Theoretical Perspectives of Music Therapy: The state of the art. Jos De Backer. Julie Sutton. 4. The Role of Ontology in Music Therapy Theory and Practice. Rachel Darnley Smith, Senior Lecturer, Roehampton University, UK. 5. Music and Psychosis, A Case Study: Adrian. Jos De Backer. Jan Van Camp, Professor, Leuven University College of Arts (LUCA), Belgium. 6. Time after Time: Working with severely disturbed adults in a regional health service outpatient setting. Julie Sutton. 7. Music Therapy for Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Especially Autism: A case study with a theoretical foundation and an evaluation tool. Karin Schumacher, Professor of Music Therapy, University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany. 8. Invitation to the World of Silence, Sounds and Sharing – the 'Hard to Reach' Patient. Esa Ala-Ruona, Associate Professor and Researcher, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. 9. Multifaceted Music Therapy in Forensic Psychiatry, Laurien Hakvoort, Lecturer, Department of Music, ArtEZ School of Music, Enschede, The Netherlands. 10. From Paranoid Experience to Incipient Trust: Focal music therapy with an adult paranoid psychotic patient. Dorothee Storz, Co-Founder, Austrian Association of Music Therapists and the Viennese Institute of Music Therapy. 11. Improvisation and Music Therapy -The person and the creating psyche: Juan's sonata. Patxi del Campo San Vicente, Director, Postgraduate Programme in Music Therapy, Music, Art and Process Institute, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Elvira Martín Martín, Psychologist, Salamanca University, Spain. 12. Reviving the Dead Mother: Music therapy and learning disability. Adriano Primadei, Music Therapist and Director, Florence Psychodynamic Music Therapy Training Course. 13. The Walking Bass: Supporting the sounding relationship for patients with dementia. Lieselotte Ronse, Music Therapist, Huis Perrekes, Belgium. Rita Maes, Music Therapist, Huis Perrekes, Belgium. 14. Implicit and Explicit Metalization in Music Therapy in the Psychiatric Treatment of People with Borderline Personality Disorder. Niels Hannibal, Co-Editor, Music Therapy in Psychiatry Online (MIPO), Denmark. 15. Lonely Girl with a Voice: Rediscovering the self in individual music psychotherapy. Teresa Leite, Associate Professor, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, Portugal. 16. The Religion of Evidence Based Practice: Helpful or harmful to music therapy? Tony Wigram, Former President, European Music Therapy Confederation and the World Federation of Music Therapy. 17. Experiences of Psychodynamic, Improvisational Music Therapy for People with Depression. Jaakko Erkkilä, Director, Music Therapy Masters Programme, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. 18. The Evolution of Group Participation through Sounds and Musical Play: Participatory action research. Cathy Warner, Senior Lecturer, University of West England, UK. 19. Supervision in Music Therapy: The jumping off point. Jos De Backer. Julie Sutton. 20. Institutional Dynamics and the Art and Practice of Self-reflection. Janet Corry, Consultant Psychiatrist, Northern Ireland. Julie Sutton. 21. Therapeutic Interventions in Psychodynamic Music Therapy: The music in music therapy. Jos De Backer. Julie Sutton. Afterword by Rudi Vermote, Psychoanalyst, University Psychiatric Centre KULeuven, Belgium.

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