Section 1: Foreword. Manuel F. Casanova, M.D. Overview. 1. Visual Perceptual Problems: An Introduction. 2. The Power of a Lens. 3. The Importance of Reading People. 4. Visual Management: From Transforming the Stimulus to Transforming the Behavior. Section 2: Visual Issues at Different Ages and Stages. 5. Visual Dysfunction in the Action-Orientated Child. 6. The High Cost of Skipping Steps. 7. Vision Dysfunction in the Thought-Oriented Adult. Section 3: Four Aspects of Visual Dysfunction: Anxiety, Memory Problems, Impaired Empathy, and Motion Sickness. 8. Visual Perceptual Impairment and Anxiety. 9. Visual Perceptual Impairment and Reduced Empathy. 10. Visual Perceptual Impairment and Issues with Consciousness and Memory. 11. Visual Perceptual Impairment and Motion Sickness. 12. A Look at the Research: Past, Present and Future. Afterword. Appendix I: The Kaplan Star Test. Appendix II: The Kaplan Nonverbal Battery.