For Asperkids, home is both their protected lair and their launch pad into success in a neurotypical world. Jennifer O'Toole provides parents with all the help they need in planning their home environment to encourage their Asperkid superheroes to soar.The Asperkid's Launch Pad is a visually-led guide to preparing a home environment that supports the development of children with Asperger syndrome. From a bedroom light switch that the child can easily reach, to a tucked-away safe place that he or she can retreat to when feeling overwhelmed or anxious, small changes in the home can boost the child's self-confidence, independence, comfort and life skills. Award-winning author Jennifer O'Toole gives readers a walk-through tour of the home, showing, room by room, how physical surroundings affect Asperkids and highlighting the learning opportunities in every space and object.Beautifully presented with colour photographs throughout, this functional and fun book will win a place in the homes and hearts of all parents of children with Asperger syndrome.