Acknowledgements. Introduction. Part 1. Acceptance and Understanding. 1.1. Acceptance and Understanding. Part 2. Cognitive Issues in Autism. 2.1. Cognitive Processing Differences. 2.2. Teaching Dynamic Thinking. 2.3. Executive Functioning. 2.4. Rigid/Inflexibility. Part 3. Sensory Issues in Autism! 3.1. Common Sensory Issues. 3.2. Sharing Different Sensory Worlds. 3.3. The World of Self Stimulation! Part 4. Social Struggles in Autism. 4.1. Why Dont I Fit In? 4.2. Teaching Relating Skills. 4.3. Peer Play and Community Inclusion. Part 5. The Emotional World on the Spectrum. 5.1. Identifying, Labelling and Controlling Emotions. 5.2. Shutdowns and Meltdowns! Part 6. Putting it all together. Where to go from here. Appendix. A. Fragile World on the Spectrum. B. Sensory Scale. C. Sensory Motor Regulatory Patterns. D. Engagement Profile. E. Deep Pressure Calming Techniques. F. Core Deficit Assessment. G. Comfort Zone Profile.
Bill Nason, MS, LLP, runs the Autism Discussion Page on Facebook which has 40,000 likes to date. He is a mental health professional with over 30 years experience in the field of developmental disabilities, specializing in individuals with multiple severe behavior challenges. He currently works as supervisor of consultant services for a community behavioral health agency in Flint Michigan, USA, and contracts with Oakland Universitys Center for Autism to run sports programs for children with autism.