Part 1 Art therapy: why don't arts therapists do research? David Edwards; interpretation and discovery - research in psychology and human expression, John Henzell; art therapy research criteria, Chris Woods. Part 2 Dramatherapy: is theatre therapeutic? Brenda Meldrum; research into dramatherapy theory and practice - some implications for training, David Fontana and Lucille Valente; cultural aspects of dramatherapy, Ditty Docktor. Part 3 Music therapy: the feeling of sound - the effects of music and low frequency sound in reducing anxiety and challenging behaviour in clients with learning difficulties, Tony Wigram; using therapy research with children with communication difficulties, Alison Levinge. Part 4 Dance movement therapy: a new approach to the diagnosis of prelingually deaf psychiatric patients using movement assessment, Laurence Higgins; from small beginnings - research as an act of creation, Bonnie Meekums; the practioner as researcher - research as a learning process, Helen Payne; new paradigm methodology in DMT research - a way forward, Helen Payne and Bonnie Meekums. Part 5 General: co-operative research in art, drama and music therapy, Sheila Grandison.