Despite increased recognition of the importance of psychological factors in the treatment of physical illness there have been surprisingly few practical guides published on the subject of behavioural therapy in primary care. In 1986, in response to this need, Richard France and Meredith Robson created a practical manual for those with limited time at their disposal, who still wish to use behavioural methods with their patients or clients. Ten years on, 'Behaviour Therapy in Primary Care'(originally published by Chapman and Hall) has become a well established and highly thought of work within this field. In this new and updated guide the authors have incorporated recent research in the area of cognitive behaviour therapy, including:advances in the general field of cognitive behaviour therapy fundamental changes in certain established problem areas, such as sexual and marital therapy additional work in'core'areas, such as anxiety and depression work in problem areas that have recently come to the fore, such as post traumatic stress disorder, HIV and stillbirth/abortion trauma. France and Robson explore a great diversity of issues within this practical guide, creating a reference work that will be indispensable to those needing a comprehensive introduction to this developing field.