Guidelines and suggestions for running groups; the story section itself - including sections on facilitating a group's enjoyment and participation in a story - the importance of approach, lead in and using objects; stories with a central elderly figure - Yaaba, Babka and the Golden Bird, Granny Evergreen, the Old Woman and the Three Children, the Three Blue Hats, the Pedlar of Swaffham, the Three Dancing Princesses; addressing the theme of loss in working with elderly people - Demeter and Persephone, Coyote and Eagle, the Crescent Moon Bear; stories with the theme of home - the Water of Life, Maple Leaf Devil, the Bird of Happiness, the Widow and the Honey Pots, the Shining Fish, How the Villagers Found Wisdom; stories of marriage and the joy of union - Savitri and Satvayan, Gawain and Lady Ragnell, the Blue Flower of Beechy Hill, the Black Bull of Norway, Tam Lin, the Frog Princess.