Introduction - social anthropology and social psychiatry - new wine in old wineskins, Vieda Skultans and John Cox. Part 1 Theoretical approaches: psychiatry's culture, Roland Littlewood; remembering and forgetting - anthropology and psychiatry - a changing relationship, Vieda Skultans; identity affect and multiple selves, John Campbell; anthropology and psychiatry -creating the ''other'', Els Van Dongren; the concept of somatization in psychiatry, Allan Young and Laurence Kirmayer; cultural origins of Western depression, Sushrat Jadav; Cambodian concepts of perinatal mental disorder, Maurice Eisenbruch. Part 2 Clinical approaches: anthropological issues in public health, Jane Jackson; changing concept of schizophrenia in psychiatric education, Bernard Ineichen; religious issues for psychiatrists, Simon Dein; establishing cultural competence for mental health professionals, Maureen Fitzgerald; structures of medical thought - professional dispositions in practice, Simon Sinclair; theoretical and clinical perspectives on stigma, Dinesh Bhugra and Gerard Hutchinson; lessons from anthropology, Maurice Lipsedge.