Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder

Innovative Parenting and Counseling Techniques for Helping Children with Bipolar Disorder and the Conditions That May Occur With It


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By George Lynn
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Introduction: ''I'm so sad, I'm so sad!'' - the inner experience of the child with bipolar disorder. Part 1 Bipolar disorder in children - dealing with sudden rage, aggressive depression, oppositionality and crazy thinking: the warrior - how to identify the presence of bipolar disorder in children; the brain chemistry of bipolar disorder and the drugs used to treat it; Martha's story - understanding and managing rage in children with bipolar disorder; Tom's story - charting a change strategy for a teen with bipolar disorder; compassion makes a big difference - the empathy factor in children with bipolar disorder; innovative non-pharmacological treatment approaches for bipolar disorder, ADD and depression in children. Part 2 Asperger's syndrome and bipolar disorder in teens -managing inertia, school resistance, stimulus craving and lack of common sense: the hermit - Asperger's disorder - helping the brilliant, anxious and oppositional child find his way and express his gifts; Sean's case - helping a child with dual diagnosis of bipolar disorder and Asperger's syndrome. Part 3 Soothing the hurt of Tourette syndrome and bipolar disorder: Tourette syndrome - the wild heart of the restless explorer; a shoulder to scream on - how to help children living with the fiery extremes of comorbid Tourette syndrome and bipolar disorder. Part 5 Hard decisions: how to choose the best physician, therapist and teacher for the child with bipolar-like learning issues; the hardest decisions - how to decide if police involvement or psychiatric hospitalisation are necessary and how to make these actions part of your healing plan. Conclusion: when all is said and done - six keys to personal wellness for families of children with bipolar disorder. Appendix: On-Line resources.

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