Working with Bion in the 1940s - the group decade, Eric Trist, University of Pennsylvania; Bion revisited - group dynamics and group psychotherapy, J.D.Sutherland, formerly of the Tavistock Clinic, London; Northfield revisited, Harold Bridger, Institute for Human Relations, Zurich; Major Bion, Patrick de Mar, Group-Analytic Society, London; research with Bion's concepts, Herbert A. Thelen; beyond Bion - the basic assumption states revisited, Victor L. Schermer; basic assumption groups and working groups revisited, Karl Konig, Department of Clinical Psychotherapy, Gottingen; after basic assumptions, James P. Gustafson, University of Wisconsin and Lowell Cooper, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley; Bion's contribution to the understanding of the individual and the group, Leon Grinberg, Argentine Association of Group Psychology and Psychotherapy; Bion and Foulkes - basic assumptions and beyond, Dennis G. Brown, Group-Analytic Practice, London; the space of madness, Salomon Resnik, Universit, de Lyons; the influence of Bion's ideas on my work, Bernardo Blay-Neto, Catholic University, Sao Paolo, Brazil; group personality - task and group culture, K. Armelius and B-A Armelius, University of Umea, Sweden; ambiguity and paradox in group relations conferences, Barry Palmer; beyond the frames, W. Gordon Lawrence; the problems of context in group-analytic psychotherapy, Earl Hopper, British Psychoanalytical Society; beyond the small group - society as an intelligible field of study, Olya Khaleelee, OPUS and Eric Miller, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.