Section 1 - Introduction Positive psychology - appreciative and dialogue tools Section 2 - Positive Change and Development An appreciative approach to change - co-created change - social capital - engaging people with change Section 3 - Leadership Make your own mission - appreciative leadership - common mistakes - leading through uncertainty Section 4 - Performance Screening high fliers - nudging - capitalising on strengths - keeping people engaged - positive deviance Section 5 - Groups and Teams Virtual teams - happy teams are successful teams - coaching to develop talent - fostering innovation Section 6 - Emotions at Work Willpower - creating hope - thank you makes a difference - the costs of rudeness - forgiveness Section 7 - Skills and Experiences The economy of strengths - divergent conversation - leadership gratitude - appreciative listening Section 8 - Conclusion Using positive psychology every day - applying flow - creating the positive and appreciative organization
SARAH LEWIS is the Founder of Appreciating Change, a consultancy that applies evidence-based positive psychology to achieve dynamic workplace change at individual, team and organisational levels. Her clients have included Vector Aerospace, Kaspersky, Aston Business School, John Lewis, Umm Al-Qura University, Home Farm Trust and the Performing Rights Society. Since switching from social work to psychology in 1993, Sarah has amassed vast experience as a practitioner, lecturer and author. She is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Founding Member of the Association of Business Psychologists, a graduate lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University, and received the award for 'Outstanding Contribution to Positive Work Practices' at the Global Strengthscope Practitioner Conference 2017.