1. Infant Development and Emotional health - the work of Donald Winnicott 2. Attachment and the Secure Base - the work of John Bowlby 3. Biological birth to Psychological Birth - as described by Margaret Mahler 4. Descovering the Unconscious - the work of Sigmund Freud 5. The importance of very early development - ideas from Melanie Klein 6. Trauma and its impact on relationships - the work of Wilfred Bion 7. Linking the present to the past - ideas from David Malan 8. Disability issues understood - from Valerie Sinason 9. Observations - learning to use the FAIT 10. Bringing it all together - designing interventions
Dr Pat Frankish obtained B.Sc (Hons) in Psychology and B.A (Open) in Humanities and Psychology before undertaking training in teaching children with severe learning difficulties and then a masters in Clinical Psychology. She went on to Doctoral studies and was made a Doctor of Psychology in 2003.She has a wide experience of psychological issues across age groups. She has a specialist interest in early personality development and the consequences of disturbance through traumatic life events.