Section 1: Head, neck and neuro-anatomy 1.1 Circle of Willis 1.2 Venous drainage of the brain 1.3 Venous drainage in the neck 1.4 Base of the skull 1.5 Trigeminal nerve 1.6 Motor and sensory innervation of the face 1.7 Vagus nerve 1.8 Cervical plexus 1.9 Eye and eye socket bones Section 2: Vertebral column 2.1 Spinal cord 2.2 Epidural space 2.3 Paravertebral space 2.4 Vertebrae 2.5 Sacrum and sacral anatomy Section 3: Cardiac 3.1 Coronary arteries 3.2 Venous drainage of the heart Section 4: Airway and respiratory 4.1 Airway sensation 4.2 Larynx 4.3 Laryngoscopic view of the vocal cords 4.4 Bronchial tree 4.5 Thoracic inlet 4.6 First rib 4.7 Intercostal nerves 4.8 Mediastinum 4.9 Diaphragm Section 5: Abdomen 5.1 Abdominal aorta 5.2 Coeliac plexus 5.3 Abdominal wall 5.4 Spleen 5.5 Liver 5.6 Nephron Section 6: Limb - upper 6.1 Blood vessels in the arms 6.2 Brachial plexus 6.3 Axilla 6.4 Cubital fossa 6.5 Wrist Section 7: Limb - lower 7.1 Blood vessels in the legs 7.2 Lumbosacral plexus 7.3 Femoral canal 7.4 Popliteal fossa 7.5 Ankle