Dedication; Acknowledgments; Foreword; Introduction. Eastern Healing; Acupuncture; Scalp Acupuncture; Qigong; Ayurveda. Laser-Based Therapies;Laser Therapy & Laserpuncture; Laser-Acupuncture Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Hand Spasticity. Natural Health & Vibrational Healing; HomeopathyHerbal Medicine; Aromatherapy & Essential Oils; Flower Essences; Edgar Cayce's Vision: The Golden Touch. Body Work; Chiropractic; Craniosacral Therapy; Chronologically Controlled Developmental Therapy. Dolphin-Assisted Therapy. Electromagnetic Healing; Magnetic Healing: Overview; Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy: Diapulse; Ferrite-Ring; Magnets. INDIGENOUS HEALING; Native-American Healing: Part 1 - Philosophy; Native-American Healing: Part 2 - Healing Modalities. Prayer, Consciousness, Energy, & Spiritual Healing; Prayer, Consciousness, Energy, & Spiritual Healing: Part 1; Prayer, Consciousness, Energy, & Spiritual Healing: Part 2; Mind Instructor: Consciousness-Based Healing. SCI HEALTH PROBLEMS; Natural Urinary Tract Health; Natural Prostate Health; Nutritional & Botanical Approaches to Diabetes; Creating Strength through Creatine. The Paradigm Expanding; Inert-Gas Therapy. References.