What is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis?; The Clinical Features and Prognosis of ALS; The Diagnosis of ALS; Treating the Symptoms of ALS; A Comprehensive Approach to Managing ALS; Rehabilitation Issues; Physical Therapy; Occupational Therapy; Wheelchair Selection; Managing Communication and Swallowing Difficulties; Nutrition Intervention; Pulmonary Management; Life Support: Realities and Dilemmas; Alternative and Complementary Therapies; Clinical Therapeutic Trials for ALS; The Design of Clinical Trials; The ALS Patient Care Database; Sharing the Experience of ALS: Patient and Family Support Groups; Meditation and ALS; Living with ALS: Quality of Life Issues; Familial Relationships and ALS; Financial Realities; Home Care Agencies; Palliative Care: The Management of Advanced Disease; Hospice Care; What the MDA Can Do; What the ALS Association Can Do; Resources and Support Services.