1. Classification of Headache: How and Why; Primary versus Secondary Headache;2. Epidemiology of Migraine; 3. Diagnosis and Testing of Primary and Secondary Headache; 4. Pathophysiology of Migraine and How to Explain it to your Patients; 5. Migraine: Treating the Attack; 6. Migraine: Preventing Attacks; 7. Hormones and Headaches; 8. Chronic Daily Headache: Chronic Migraine and Others: Diagnosis and Treatment; 9. Medication Overuse: Diagnosis and Treatment; 10. Comorbid Disorders Associated with Migraine and Chronic Daily Headache; 11. Behavioral Treatment of Migraine and Chronic Daily Headache; 12. Headache in the Emergency Department; 13. Infusion and Inpatient Treatment; 14. Cluster Headache; 15. Unusual Primary Headaches; Posttraumatic Headache; 17. Postlumbar Puncture Headaches, High and Low Pressure Headaches;18. Headaches and the Neck; 19. Headaches and the Nose and Sinuses: A practical Approach